• 홈으로
  • 회원사 소개
  • 회원사
대표자 이지우
회원사 정보
전화 031-000-0000
이메일 jikoo8659@gmail.com
홈페이지 http://www.jkddesign.net
주소 경기 성남시 분당구 이매동 79-8
설립일 2021.05.12
전문분야 제품디자인
소속 (사)한국디자인산업연합회



"Message, experience, true value and meaning."

본질 + 경험(UX) + 엔지니어링 "Message, experience, true value, and meaning." We are a company that develops (beautiful) and (innovative) products while pursuing the essence of stimulating (sensitivity and emotion) and inspiring (lifestyle). 우리는 사람을 자극하는 것(감성=감정), 영감을 주는 것 (라이프스타일)의 본질을 추구하며 (아름답고), (혁신적인) 제품을 개발하는 회사입니다.







    JK Design designed AR Glass with augmented reality features for visual patients. AR glass is a design optimized for everyday life and resembles the shape of existing glasses and delivers a friendly image. The weight of the glasses is designed to be light in consideration of the user. By optimizing the visual proportions felt in the form of smart glasses, we naturally balance the flow of gaze. The buttons on the function are applied in the most convenient location, taking into account the user's


    JKDESIGN DESIGNDE ED-UV-360 / PART, DECO, UX, PATTERN CMF, SHAPE DESIGN BY. JKDESIGN It is a large-capacity composite humidifier that analyzes users' environment and usage patterns and contains better elements and functions. The overall body of the product creates a stable ratio and modernity with the design elements of diagonal lines from the cylindrical shape and incorporates a futuristic concept by applying an intermediate pattern. Also, it can be used according to the situation with two typ

  • Thermo necks_degreve

    JKDESIGN designed a cooling neckband that can be used at the most ideal temperature to wake all cells up at once, rather than a painful coldness. Easily detachable pads and cases and optimized ergonomic design enhance usability.

  • UGV_Hydrogen Fuell Cell Robot

    In the case of the hydrogen robot ugv, the shape of the robot as a whole shows the process of water droplets turning into hydrogen. From front to rear, elements of organic curves and curves emphasize the familiarity of robot products and the identity of hydrogen. In addition, the robot's eyes, which can be seen as the role of headlights, aim to personify future-oriented images and robots by placing straight elements.


    JK Design designed the Connected Fitness Indoor Cycle Fever Bike Plus, which combines hardware, software, and content. The Fever Bike Plus is an indoor bike that allows you to exercise live coaching by professional instructors through a tablet PC.

  • 가배놋, Combination of a brass hand drip coffee dripper.

    It is made of brass to create a deep taste of coffee with a Korean paper filter that helps with high heat retention and stable extraction. The small and precious hand dripper, which makes you dream of your own home cafe, has the disadvantages that most of the existing products are easily broken or due to weak edges, and that the paint is peeled off or weak durability makes it difficult to use for a long time.
